New TopsPay Fee Statements and Deposit Reports

We are thrilled to announce that TopsPay now has redesigned and enhanced Fee Statements and Deposit Reports.

This means you’ll have a more detailed summary of your transactions, fees, deposits, and other financial activities for a given month. As well as more in-depth, accurate information so you can better reconcile your payments.

These updates are now available in Tops under Reports > TopsPay portal. You will have access to these new reporting tools starting with your March statements.

Deposit Payout Cards

View your totals and corresponding bank amounts at a quick glance. Click the reference number to compare with your bank statement.


New Summary View

See a snapshot of transactions, sales, fees, refunds, adjustments and total deposited on one dashboard.


Fee Statements + Overview

Fee Statements are now activity driven, not deposit driven. Gain transparency on how your fees are calculated and applied.


Card Brand Breakdown

A detailed view of card brands is provided to better understand the diversity and preferences of customers' payment methods.
